Properties and applications of hydrogen containing silicone oil

1. Special raw materials for antifouling and antifouling (liquid a and b) for building ceramics

2. Natural stone, marble, polished brick, building substrate moisture-proof, hydrophobic treatment.

3. The water absorption rate is less than 10%, which meets the national standard.

4, natural and synthetic fiber fabrics, siChina, leather waterproof agents and softeners, such as fabrics for cotton, hemp, siChina and acrylic, polyester and other fibers of soft finishing, mainly hydrogen silicone oil emulsion or hydrogen emulsion and hydroxyl silicone oil emulsion used in combination.

5. Paper waterproof and anti adhesion agent, glass fiber waterproof softener. The softening finishing of cotton, linen, acrylic and polyester fibers is mainly carried out in the way of hydrogen silicone oil emulsion or hydrogen emulsion and hydroxyl silicone oil emulsion.

6. It is used for moisture-proof and hydrophobic treatment of dry powder materials such as dry powder extinguishing agent, electrical grade magnesia powder and calcium carbonate.

7. Anti yellowing agent for high temperature fluidizing silicone rubber, crosslinking agent for addition molding silicone rubber series products, and diluting silicone rubber ink.

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