Application and performance of water soluble silicone oil

Water soluble silicone oil is a reactive non-ionic surfactant, soluble in water, alcohol, aromatic hydrocarbon, alcohol, acetone, etc. This product is non-toxic, non corrosive, and does not pollute the environment. Water soluble silicone oil can be used alone in the form of aqueous solution or added into resin finishing work bath. It is suitable for all kinds of fiber fabrics, such as polyester, nylon, cotton, polyester cotton, wool, rayon and so on. It can significantly improve the handle of the fabric, antistatic, and strengthen the washing resistance and dirt resistance.

1. Water soluble silicone oil can be widely used in daily chemicals, such as various pastes, emulsions and shampoo. The hair washed with water-soluble silicone oil shampoo is loose, soft, glossy and has good combability.

2. Water soluble silicone oil can also be used in leather industry, which is the main component of high-grade leather smoothing agent and finishing agent. It gives a variety of natural leather surface smooth, bright, soft and comfortable handle performance.


3. Water soluble silicone oil is also an excellent additive for various coatings, which can improve the leveling property of coatings and make the coating surface smooth and bright.

4. Water soluble silicone oil can also be used as Plastic additive and release agent.

Application and performance of water soluble silicone oil

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