What Is The Effect Of Silicone Oil Thinner

1. Solubility

The main function of the paint thinner is to change the process performance of the paint, so as to facilitate the application of the paint in the process of use. It can reduce the viscosity of the resin. It is a liquid substance with good compatibility with the resin to change the process performance of the paint. When mixing the coating, the diluent must be made to fully dissolve the selected resin.

2. Reduce viscosity

The main function of the paint thinner is to change the process performance of the paint, so as to facilitate the application of the paint in the process of use. In the process of coating preparation, the lower the viscosity of the resin solution with the same concentration, the better. When the same construction viscosity is reached, the solid content of the paint liquid is higher, which can improve the construction efficiency, reduce the amount of solvent volatilized into the atmosphere, and reduce the environmental pollution.

3. The volatilization rate is suitable

The formation of the solvent in the film is controlled by the evaporation process. If the solvent volatilizes too fast, the film will neither level nor wet the substrate sufficiently, so it can not produce good adhesion.

If the solvent volatilization is too slow, it will not only delay the drying time, but also the film will flow and become very thin. In the process of solvent volatilization, the appropriate volatilization gradient should be maintained. If the solvent composition is not ideal change in the process of volatilization, resin precipitation and film defects will occur.

What Is The Effect Of Silicone Oil Thinner

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